To Live Healthy or Not to Live Healthy (Live Unhealthy), That is the Question.

Clearly we live unhealthy. All of us, including the various creatures of the world. At least it is simple for them. The Law of the Jungle. Survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. Eat or get eaten.

It is more complicated for people. We are conceived. From there are many possibilities. But generally we live a life. Grow old; the older generally the more feeble. Eventually die. In a bed perhaps. Or in a Lazy Boy. It is said no one gets out alive. The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation. We have an iron will to live but a life not worth living. It is said.

Freud discovered neurosis. Reich called it mass neurosis, as in The Mass Psychology of Fascism. The leftists tablk about a workers paradise, anarcho-capitalism. Theb rightists talk about the ideal of a rugged individualist,; self reliant. Yet few are capable. Sovereign citizens, again few are capable.

This begs the question: If this is unhealthy living, what might healthy living be like?

Start with healthy body, healthy mind. No mental illness, the largest by far is neurosis, No disease. That would take much time of treatment and research. So we are talking about a long slog. Also called a revolution. Note that Reich wrote The Sexual Revolution.

Years ago I wrote Alexander Lowen. Reich postulated Tension, Charge, Discharge, Relaxation. I wrote Center to periphery, periphery to periphery, center to center, center to periphery. Lowen wrote me a brief reply. “I believe you have truly rendered Reich’s concept. I was pleasantly surprised. But nothing came of it. I was trying to get my mother therapy. That did not happen.

So, arousal generates radiating bridges. Like magnets male and female are pulled together into alignment: the missionary position. They bump uglies whereupn they achieve mutual orgasm-biosexual fusion. At or near the Grafenberg Spot. The sexual revolution.

Life is a bitch. Then you die. If this is the best we can do, a long slog to achieve mass mental, physical, social health, we must try for it.

About rwm4prez2012

Candidate for President of the UNITED STATES for /2004/2008/2012/2016/2020/2024.
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