Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media. – The Tap Blog.
I just found this blog via IPRX.
Can anyone verify this? It is really scary stuff.
It certainly would explain a lot. Like my father being a virtual hostage in a jewish managed VA contracted rehab facility.
Also my uncle being found “dead” which I do not believe. Also my other Uncle Fred Milnes, a WW2 Marine. I was barred from his funeral.
Also Dr. McFarland, Nancy Benson, PhD. Ruth Blumentein, Doris Klinkenberg, Pat Klinkenberg, dead from cancer. I don’t think so.
Mark Klinkenberg, ADEM germ warfare victim. His Dr. at the time, Amy Solomon, jew. Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, CA.
Also William Luther Pierce, The Turner Diaries, dead from cancer-NOT.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, dead-NOT. Was to be replaced by jew Judge Merrick Garland.
Jack Ruby(Rubenstein), jew, murderer of U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald. ALLEGED assassin of President Kennedy. Dead from cancer 2 years later? I don’t think so. Rescued from American prison more likely.
Abraham Zapruder, jew, just happened to be almost exactly in close perfect position to film with state of the art Polaroid movie camera the assassination of President Kennedy.
Marines, why were Marines in Lebanon in 1984? Fighting Israel’s wars? WHY was the building bombed? To provoke America?
First Responders. How many jews were among your dead on 9/11? None? Just about none?
How many jews work in the coal mines in West Virginia? How many jews own and control mass media in America?
How many jews are Marines? Very few.
Check the concrete encased steel I beam support girders for built-in sabotage by incendiaries. Leaving a 45 degree angle slope for them to slip off. Including WT7.
I personally am not going into any more government buildings or skyscrapers. I think they all may have built-in sabotage.
I do not trust ANYTHING the government says or does. ESPECIALLY the intelligence agencies.

About rwm4prez2012

Candidate for President of the UNITED STATES for /2004/2008/2012/2016/2020/2024.
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26 Responses to Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media. – The Tap Blog.

  1. Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

    “I do not trust ANYTHING the government says or does. ESPECIALLY the intelligence agencies.”

    So why do you buy their lies about the Russians stealing the US Presidential election?

    • My take is that The ZOG wanted WikiLeaks to get the blame for suppressing Clinton’s vote. The ZOG monitored and played the vote like a violin. Comey evidently had to give Clinton one last goose. That backfired putting the intelligence under suspicion. The Russia thing was supposed to be on the low. The dossier was leaked pointing to Russia.

      • Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

        The dossier was an obvious ploy by the Clinton bitter enders who can’t accept the responsibility for their terrible candidate and campaign. They want to blame someone, anyone else – Russians, FBI, “fake news” (as if theirs is any better). Anyone except themselves. If you examine the “dossier” in any kind of even minimal detail it fails to stand up to even a laugh test.

        Don’t get me wrong, I am not a fan of Trump, but I would have voted for him if I could. He will hasten the inevitable coming war of civilizations between Christianity and Islam, which Islam will win. Clinton would have only slowed the inevitable. She is also a war criminal, so there is no need to be sad that she lost fair and square.

  2. Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

    You should also look into why the so-called Jews have been expelled from 109 countries…. among many other things…

  3. Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

    So called jews because they are descended from Khazars, a Central Asian Turko-Mongoloid people, and lay false claim to biblical Jewish ancestry to give themselves a false authority and sympathy with gullible Christians. Khazars adopted Judaism but have no Israelite Hebrew ancestry to speak of. As for where to look, presumably you know how to use search engines? Try “jews 109” and “ashkenazi khazars” to get started. is as good a place as any to begin to learn a lot more about related subjects.

    • That’s partly why it was suggested at knappster that a new “Israel” be created in Central Asia and jews evacuated from Palestine and moved there. Tom Knapp had a total meltdown from being asked the question on his so-called “Ask me anything” (which should be renamed “Ask me anything except questions about Milnes or Nathan Norman). He might have had a stroke after being asked if the conflict in Palestine is considered “the” conflict in the Middle East because of Jewish domination of the media. Now Knapp has decided only certain people can participate in his so-called “Ask me anything” so that he and his followers (probably his own sockpuppets) can have a circle jerk over libertarianism. He’s not sophisticated enough to ban me and my followers but I plan to no longer participate for the principle of it. Knapp is a hypocrite, egomaniac and PC snowflake.

      • Interesting. I had not heard the proposal of evacuating jews from Palestine and moving to a New Israel in Central Asia. I had heard that Africa was considered by Zionists circa 1930’s/40’s but Palestine was always foremost. I suspect there was efforts to take over Germany as Israel.
        The most simple thing would be to rescind the U.N. resolutions creating Israel. That would leave the jewish population as is, about 1/3 in Israel/Palestine, 1/3 in USA, 1//3 worldwide mostly in Europe and the Middle East. However this would quickly fail as the jews would just conspire further to recreate New Israel somewhere, perhaps the USA even.
        My proposal seems best. The U.N. rescind resolutions. Have all member states take in an equal percentage of the jews.

      • White American says:

        How about the nuclear option? No gas chambers this time, just a giant atomic oven 🙂 Or maybe a genetic bioweapon plague bioengineered to only kill “jews” and all “jews.” Make it highly communicable and 100% deadly. The thing is if you let them infest other countries they take them over and undermine them, which is why 109 countries and city-states have kicked every single one of them out at one time or another.

        You don’t have to have a lot of khazars in a country to undermine it as history shows. But if you let them have their own state they engage in terrorism, war crimes and genocide against the native population there and against their neighbors, like we see with Israel. So the only remaining option is to kill every single last one of them once and for all.

        There is now genetic testing available so first we need to test every human being on earth to find all the hidden khazars, then coral them all somewhere – maybe naked in Antarctica? Maybe incinerate for biomass fuel? But regardless how it is done you have to ensure that none are left alive. They are like a malignant cancer, you can’t let some of them live or they will come back and attack the host even more viciously. The only thing you can do stop an aggressive cancer is remove it completely or the patient (all the rest of us) is done for. It’s them or us, so choose wisely.

      • The jews are not stupid. Quite the contrary. They occupy a privileged niche in Western civilization. They must know what they are. An awful phenomenon. What they are doing. State nuclear armed terrorism. They must be conflicted, ambivalent. I think their rational side will prevail. They will see my proposal as the best of all the bad alternatives.

      • White American says:

        “The jews are not stupid. Quite the contrary. They occupy a privileged niche in Western civilization. They must know what they are. An awful phenomenon. What they are doing. State nuclear armed terrorism.”

        All correct statements.

        “They must be conflicted, ambivalent.”

        Not so much. They are sociopathic, psychopathic. Think of them as one giant family – crime family, that is. To them the rest of us are goyim, which literally means cattle. Think what it would mean to think of 98% of the world’s human population as cattle, and to come from hundreds of generations of ancestors who have always thought that way.

        “I think their rational side will prevail.”

        They are rational. They are doing what is best for them as a group. It’s just that it is poisonous to everyone else who is not them, but they don’t care, because everyone else are subhuman farm animals to them.

        “They will see my proposal as the best of all the bad alternatives.”

        What’s good for them is what’s bad for everyone else. What’s bad for them is what’s good for everyone else. They are poisonous snakes. What do you do with an infestation of poisonous snakes? Give them a home of their own somewhere along your street to breed and fester, or throw one into each house up and down the street? No, either one is foolish and suicidal. The only course that makes sense is to exterminate them.

      • White American, I am a white American also.
        The flaw in your logic is that the jews are not poisonous snakes. They are poisonous human beings.
        There are protocols. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

      • White American says:

        Of course they are not literally snakes, but it’s an accurate analogy, and the operative word is POISONOUS. Being human, or perhaps demonic, just means they are smarter, but not any less poisonous than any other type of poisonous animal, virus or cancer. The poison can’t be contained by giving them their own country, as in the analogy of poisonous snakes, giving them a home of their own on your street.

        Nor is the danger dissipated if you take a snake or two and toss them into each home along the street – which seems to be your plan, to toss a few Khazars into every country. But we know from experience they will bite you with their poison when you let them in your country just like a snake would. That is why they have been kicked out 109 times.

        Europe did not arrive at the idea of a final solution lightly. Many other approaches were tried, in many places for many centuries: putting them in ghettoes, putting restrictions on their movements and occupations, keeping a close watch on them, putting pressure on them to convert to other religions, giving them pogroms and beatings like in Czarist Russia, treating them nicely and letting them do anything they want like in the US today, letting them have their own country in Palestine (and make no mistake, it would not change anything if that country was located in any other part of the world). All of these things have been tried many times, and they all failed.

        The final solution also failed, but only because the job was not finished. It is up to us now to finish that job. We have better technology today, including the ability to identify the crypto-jews through genetic testing, and large scale weapons of mass destruction that were not available 75 years ago. All we need is the will to do it. We are far too nice, taking such drastic actions is not part of our conditioning. Only studying what they have done all over the world, over so many centuries, and all the many ways people have tried to contain this problem and failed, can we learn why it must be done and why nothing else can work.

        “There are protocols.”

        Like the protocols of the learned elders of zion? Have you actually read them? If not then you should. Also Henry Ford, “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem” and many others. Those two are a good place to start.

        “No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.”

        But it’s Rosemary’s Baby so the bathwater isn’t even the biggest problem!

      • Do you really think Donald Trump as President will sanction or facilitate genocide of the jews?

      • White American says:

        Trump is just a first crack in the dam. The white power movement will grow much bigger and stronger and eventually overpower all existing Khazar Occupied power structures. Trump is useful because he stood up against political correctness, against forced feminization, against straight white male guilt, and against the flood of illegals and terrorists, and for bringing back our jobs and restoring safety and law and order on the streets. Is he going to kill all the Khazars including those in his own family? I don’t think so, but he he is cracking the door open as a first step before we take it off the hinges. As Whites wake up from slumber and stop being cowed into submission and letting ourselves be treated like the goy cattle Khazars say we are, we will take it a lot further than Trump would. But, hey, he’s just throwing a few snowballs and we’ll be the Great White Avalanche he sets off.

  4. Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

    Like all infidels, Knapp needs to turn to Islam to rescue him from his degeneracy as well as from the fires of hell. It is only showing mercy to infidels to convert them at the point of a sword.

    • Someday someone will get rid of Islam. Give people a one month or so order to evacuate Mecca and Medina. Then in one month drop nuclear bombs on the cities, making them uninhabited and uninhabitable. That will resolve a lot of problems.

  5. Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

    Only in your dreams, infidel. In reality, we will win the war of civilizations and every person in every nation will be forced to bow to Allah five times daily and live under Shariah law. All women will wear the burqa and all men will have an appropriate beard. All governments will be under the absolute control of Islam and they will all enforce it with the full power of the law. All wives and children will be the property of their patriarchs, and slavery, whippings and public executions will be commonplace in every corner of the world. Everyone will be under total and complete surveillance at all times to ensure compliance. We will stomp out freedom forever and behead it before everyone and after that there will only be Islam (obedience) and nothing else.

    We will use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and attack infidels with guns, knives, bombs, trucks and every other weapon. We will invade all your computers and take them over. We will make your nations ungovernable and make all your women our concubines and baby factories. We are destined to win and rule all, and will bow only to Allah and rulers who submit to Allah completely.

  6. Wahid Tariq Fasal says:

    You can think whatever you want, but in the end I will turn out to be correct. Unfortunately you probably won’t realize that until it is too late for you and all you hold dear.

  7. Jay says:

    Andy gets it right on Bradley (not Chelsea) Manning … and check out the expanded and improved blogroll 

    Knappster gets totally jimpacted:

    paulie has a problem with definitions. see

  8. White American says:

    Why all the fake news posts from the lugenpresse? Your site is better than that. Or was.

    • Milne’s site is in obvious decline. I think he may have been brainwashed by the ZOG. Anyways, I found a better site It’s great.

      • White American says:

        There are a lot of great sites on your blogroll. Maybe you should cover this story:


        CNN has been criticized for airing a report which revealed that an Obama appointee would become president if Donald Trump was killed during an attack on the inauguration tomorrow.

        Entitled Disaster could put Obama cabinet member in Oval Office, the report admits that there is no specific threat targeting the inauguration, but goes on to speculate about “who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming president….just as the transfer of power is underway”.

        An individual named the “designated presidential successor” will not attend the inauguration as a security precaution, “but it won’t be a Trump cabinet secretary….it will be an Obama appointee,” reports CNN.

        The report emphasizes that “a president from the prior administration” will take power if there is an attack due to the fact that none of Trump’s cabinet secretaries have been confirmed yet.

        According to CNN, the designated presidential successor is likely to be Tom Shannon, the Under Secretary For Political Affairs, and an Obama appointee.

        The report teases the potential for an attack on the inauguration by asserting it would create “chaos” and “high theater,” before airing clips from ABC’s Designated Survivor show in which Kiefer Sutherland plays an obscure cabinet secretary who is “unexpectedly thrust into the presidency after an attack at the capitol during a State of the Union address.”
        Given the huge number of death threats leveled at Trump – including one family friend of Hillary Clinton who was arrested after he threatened to assassinate Trump at the inauguration – is CNN irresponsible in drawing attention to this issue?

        Respondents to the video on YouTube, which was heavily thumbed down, slammed CNN for almost encouraging a violent attack against Trump.

        “Totally not suggesting anything here, huh CNN?” commented one.

        “So leftist terrorists know who they need to take out, so that dems can stay in power? This is irresponsible journalism,” added another.

        “I flagged this video as dangerous to the president elect, and that it might foment violence,” wrote another.

        The charges are not without precedent. After Thomas DiMassimo tried to rush the stage to violently confront Trump during an event in Ohio last year, CNN gave him a platform to denounce Trump as a “bully”.

  9. Milnes’ site, s’il vous plait.

    • I don’t think any leftist, terrorist or not, is interested in any of this nonsense. Rigged elections, influence on election results by intelligence or rightist Russkies, Electoral College/faithless electors, catastrophe at inauguration/designated survivor etc. This nonsense is just the corrupt government keeping corrupt government in power. What I have written about here at The PLAS Place is fair elections (Top Ten), which I am confident the leftist/progressives could win, OR a MILITARY coup d’état. One in which THE MILITARY is interested in conducting fair elections.

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