Planned National Convention of Independents Could Generate Election Reform in America.

see: Political Independents to Meet in Texas for a National Convention

But probably not: at least for long. UNLESS Top Six/Level the Playing Field is pursued.

Yes, America needs election reform. It is stuck in a cycle of reactionary status quo that reliably, predictably, produces and reproduces a two party system: The left leaning Democratic and right leaning Republican parties, pursuant to Duverger’s Law. Which, take note, also supports Zionist Israel in the United Nations. This system could arguably be called a one party system with two sides, like the Communist party of the USSR. Or the Nazi party of the Third Reich. And oh how Americans hate those two! Yet our system here in America is quite comparable.

Duverger’s Law, a sociological phenomenon, creates and reliably perpetuates a centrist reactionary two party system. The remedy is Top Six Level the Playing Field that qualitatively changes the results of elections when the six parties that cover the entire political spectrum have full or near full ballot access.

One of those six would be a third centrist party, which otherwise would be not sustainable, like Perot’s Reform Party. At issue is whether a mechanism to achieve full ballot access can be generated by the creation of a third centrist party through this convention. By reviving the Reform party perhaps or combining the various emerging centrist parties into one by all nominating the same Presidential ticket.

Silly me. I thought a few years ago when I formulated Top Six, I thought it would quickly gain traction. The need for a third centrist party would be quickly recognized to complete the Six, as the other five are already created and sustained. The Democratic, Republican, Green, Constitution and Libertarian parties. That did not happen. Independents and Democratic Socialists caucus with the Democrats. The Trumpists caucus with the Republicans. There is no viable third alternative under Duverger’s Law.

But Comes Now this national convention!

About rwm4prez2012

Candidate for President of the UNITED STATES for /2004/2008/2012/2016/2020/2024.
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