Backstory to My Request for Political Asylum/Protective Custody.

I am getting old. Just to still be alive I have beaten some odds. Recently I have said, mostly to myself, that I feel like I have aged 10 years in the past 3. That would put me at about “feels like” age of 80.

When I look back on my life I can hardly believe it myself. And I was there! I can see someone like my sister saying I am crazy. Crazy like Wilhelm Reich, perhaps.

Basically, I may have reached the end of my rope. Perhaps long Covid. Personal financial ruin. Debilitating depression. I believe I have been under attack by Israel for decades. I was arrested by the FBI in 1985. Not since. I believe the dirty work has been handed off to the Mossad and operatives.

At issue is my voting reform formulation of Top Six/Level the Playing Field. A remedy for Duverger’s Law. Which I propose be applied in America and Russia. Fair and representative elections. Also two psychoanalytic phenomena: Bions and bionic radiating bridges. See: The Cancer Biopathy by Wilhelm Reich. The other is interpersonal time travel aka coming unstuck in time. To the best of my knowledge Reich did not write about this. The best such that I am aware is Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, jr. Although it is fiction, science fiction, it may be indirectly autobiographic For the record, I met Alexander Lowen, MD, of his Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis. arguably Reich’s heir apparent, in Forest Hills, NYC about 1977. And James Prescott, PhD, author of “Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence” in Maryland about 1980. He was associated with the US National Institutes of Health. Nothing significant came from these meetings, except for a letter I nreceived from Lowen. It got lost after I sent out some copies. When I got sentenced to federal prison my father threw out my things including books and documrents. Lowen and/or Prescott may be deceased by now.

As for bions, I do not know of any study of them except for Reich. The bionic radiating bridges I experienced twice. Between me and a woman in two separate instances and two different women. Neither told me anything from their perspective. It feels “warm” and “magnetic”. The closest depiction of it I know of is the scene in Star Trek: The Movie. “Decker’s Sacrifice”.

I have experienced coming ‘unstuck in time” twice. The first time was in 1969. I suddenly “knew” I would have great difficulty getting a girlfriend for many years. The word “incel” would not even be coined for about 50 ywars. And that my mother would die soon, whivh she did. The second time I suddenly “knew” that I would be intimate with a woman I could not quite identify, only that she was brunette. We would become enveloped in radiating bridges whereupon she would run away. This sent a wave of pain back to me to 1975. This would be followed by such intimacy with Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD.

I found out in 2013 that Nancy had died after a year long battle with cancer in 2012. I was stunned, flabberghasted. How could that be? It took me quite some time to realize she must have been made sick then declared dead. A fake funeral and burial. Monstrous! Who could and/or would do such a thing? Again it took me some time. The US and/or Israel!

This begs the question, “Where has Nancy been and under what circumstances? Doing what if anything for all these years? All I can think of is in Israel in some sort of suspended animation/drug induced stupor. Or perhaps recovered and teaching. With a cover story like she has residual memory loss due to her cancer treatment. It is awful, incredible. I just do not know.

Fast forward to present. I have been waiting for some sort of breakthrough about this. Who is the brunette? Where is Nancy? What brings us together? And when?


What do I think might happen or would like to happen here? Well, if my personal security is arranged, and I can receive some sort of modest financial security, a stipend perhaps, I would feel comfortable to proceed. A full general medical check up would be in order. I have not had one in quite some time. Might as well include dental x-rays if only for possible identification. Then I would expect a battery of psychiatric tests and sessions. Then I would appreciate some outreach to some entities to study my claims. Perhaps the NIH. Perhaps the Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis. Or some experiments perhaps involving Kirlian photography. Some sort of treatment for depression. The idea would be to research and document my claims while I am in protective custody. Then to be placed back in society with some sort of life and security.

Obviously I can not expect to live in peace as long as Israel is attacking me. There needs to be a solution to the Israel/Palestine situation via the UN asap. Ideally the One State solution in which there is a complete state of Palestine, not partitioned and disposition for the jews.

This Request is directed at General Milley as the highest ranking member of the military, the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I lack trust in the elected and appointed politicians. They zealously support Israel. Whereas the military is interested in the Constitution, national security, and protection of the American people foremost.

Addendum 2/24/2023 I would hope that there could be an advisory to the President position that could accomodate me. Again I would need personal and financial security. My perspective and experience is unique. For a modest fee I could provide information and opinion and advice. It could go to an intermediary, not directly to the President. Perhaps an intermediary committee, so no one person could block it. The President could decide about it ultimately.

About rwm4prez2012

Candidate for President of the UNITED STATES for /2004/2008/2012/2016/2020/2024.
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